

Wyoming's candidates for federal and legislative offices.

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Last update: Aug 25, 2024
Kyle G. Cameron
Wyoming Democratic candidate
for U.S. House of Representatives

Kyle G. Cameron

➡️ Active

Active candidates for U.S. House of Representatives

On the Issues

The answers below were solicited from candidates via a written questionnaire created by WyoFile reporters and editors in June 2024. Responses are presented exactly as submitted, without fact-checking, wordsmithing or editing for grammar, punctuation or spelling errors.

Legislative candidates were invited to respond to the questionnaire several times by email and by phone. Out of fairness to the candidates who met the deadline, WyoFile will not add responses after the guide’s publication.

Where do you live currently? How long have you lived there? How long have you lived in Wyoming? Where were you born?

I currently live in Laramie Wyoming and I have lived here for about a year and a half. I was born in Wyoming and have lived here off and on for my entire life.

What age will you be on Election Day, Nov. 5, 2024?


Please tell the voters about yourself including your background and qualifications.

I'm an activist with public service in my DNA, currently enjoying work at an international company. In Wyoming, I keep my job private due to the tricky mix of work and politics. As Chair of the Wyoming Democratic Labor Caucus, I'm dedicated to supporting workers and unions. Raised in Cheyenne, I attended Goins Elementary, Johnson Junior High, and Central High School, then earned degrees from the University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, and Walden University. Homeschooling my kids for 15 years was a rewarding challenge. Overcoming obstacles as a stay-at-home mom reentering the workforce, I've been supported by systems aiding women escaping domestic abuse. My career has ranged from 2010 Census taker to grant writing, learning from each role. Volunteering, from leading a 4-H group to labor caucus chair, has been a key part of my life, reflecting my commitment to causes I cherish.

How as a federal lawmaker would you address the biggest challenges and opportunities facing Wyoming today? What legislation is needed to address them?

As a federal lawmaker, my priorities for Wyoming include advocating for reproductive rights, universal healthcare access, worker protections, improved transportation infrastructure, and climate change action. I'll push for legislation ensuring access to reproductive health services, including safe abortion and contraceptives. Healthcare legislation will aim for affordability and inclusivity, covering mental and dental health, and focusing on preventive care. I'll work to strengthen worker rights, ensuring safe, fair conditions and support for those facing workplace challenges. Investing in Wyoming's transportation infrastructure is key for economic growth and quality of life, requiring federal funding for roads, bridges, and railroads. Addressing climate change is critical, with efforts towards sustainable water management and reducing emissions to protect our environment and ensure community resilience. These efforts aim to create a more equitable, sustainable Wyoming.

Nearly half of the land in Wyoming is managed by the federal government. How as a member of Congress do you plan to ensure that land is managed in the best interest of the people of Wyoming?

I'll prioritize collaborative management of Wyoming's federal lands, ensuring they serve the state's ecological, economic, and recreational needs. Recognizing the importance of these lands to Wyoming's identity and economy, I'll advocate for policies that balance conservation with responsible development. This includes supporting sustainable practices in energy production, agriculture, and tourism, while also protecting natural habitats and biodiversity. Engaging local communities, Indigenous tribes, and stakeholders in decision-making processes will be key to understanding diverse perspectives and needs. I'll push for increased federal investment in land management for conservation, wildfire prevention, and infrastructure improvements, ensuring access and enjoyment for future generations. By promoting science-based management practices, I aim to address climate change impacts and preserve Wyoming's natural beauty and resources, ensuring they remain a source of pride and prosperity.

Wyoming has wrestled for years with issues of housing, health care, education and economic development. What do you believe the state's role should be in supporting the well-being of Wyoming citizens and their families?

Wyoming should actively support its citizens' well-being by investing in affordable housing, accessible healthcare, quality education, and sustainable economic development. The state should facilitate partnerships and funding to expand housing options, ensuring affordability for all income levels. In healthcare, Wyoming must work to remove barriers to access, including expanding services in rural areas and supporting mental and dental health. Education should be a priority, with investments in schools and programs that prepare students for future success. Economic development efforts should focus on diversifying the economy, promoting job creation in emerging sectors, and supporting small businesses. By prioritizing these areas, Wyoming can create a strong foundation for the well-being and prosperity of its citizens and their families, ensuring a vibrant future for the state.

How willing are you to compromise with legislators and other officials with different perspectives?

I am generally open to compromise with legislators and officials who hold different perspectives, provided discussions remain rational and respectful. However, I hold firm on my belief in a woman's right to a legal and safe abortion, which I see as non-negotiable. It's crucial to engage in clear discourse without feeling threatened or intimidated to find common ground on other issues.

How does immigration affect Wyoming and how can Congress improve immigration policy for the benefit of Wyoming citizens?

Immigration impacts Wyoming by contributing to its economy through labor in agriculture, energy, and tourism sectors. It also enriches cultural diversity and helps address workforce shortages. Congress can improve immigration policy for Wyoming by implementing reforms such as: Creating visa programs tailored to Wyoming's specific labor shortages in agriculture, energy extraction, and hospitality. Establishing clear paths to legal status for undocumented immigrants already contributing to Wyoming's economy. Streamlining processes to reunite families, supporting stable communities. Enhancing border security while ensuring efficient processes for legal immigration. Investing in programs that facilitate immigrants' integration, including language and job training. By addressing these aspects, Congress can create policies that benefit Wyoming citizens by supporting its economy and communities while respecting immigrant contributions and the rule of law.

Would you support federal legislation that either restricts abortions or guarantees access on a national basis? What about contraceptives?

I strongly support federal legislation that upholds the right to legal and safe abortions. Ensuring access to abortion services is crucial for women's health, autonomy, and equality. Restricting access jeopardizes reproductive rights and can lead to unsafe practices. Federal legislation should protect these rights nationwide, ensuring consistency and equity regardless of state laws. Similarly, access to contraceptives is essential for reproductive health and family planning. Federal policies should guarantee affordable and widespread availability of contraceptives, including education on their use. This supports individual choice, reduces unintended pregnancies, and promotes overall public health. In summary, I advocate for federal legislation that protects and expands access to both abortions and contraceptives, affirming individuals' rights to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

How do you balance the often competing demands of wildlife and open spaces versus energy, industrial and real estate development?

Balancing wildlife preservation and open spaces with energy, industrial, and real estate development in Wyoming demands careful planning. Establishing protected areas and wildlife corridors preserves native habitats through zoning laws and conservation easements. Promoting sustainable energy like wind and solar supports growth while minimizing environmental impact. Engaging stakeholders—environmentalists, developers, indigenous communities, and government—ensures collaboration and diverse perspectives. Enforcing regulations with impact assessments ensures development meets environmental standards. Integrating conservation and responsible development sustains Wyoming's natural heritage and economic vitality.

WyoFile Coverage of CAMERON

About this Project

WyoFile produced this guide with web development by Thomas Musselman, editing by Tennessee Watson and production assistance by Calla Shosh. Thank you to Montana Free Press and Eric Dietrich for sharing their code and guidance. Contact Tennessee Watson with questions, corrections or suggestions at tennessee@wyofile.com.

WyoFile is a Wyoming 501(c)3 nonprofit, independent, member-supported, public-interest news service reporting on the people, places and policy of Wyoming. WyoFile's donor base is politically diverse, including some donors who are candidates in this year's election. WyoFile's news and editorial decisions are 100% separate from donor relations.

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